Texas Youth Commission

Volunteer Services & Community Involvement

FY 2002 Annual Report

Each TYC program has a volunteer services component administered by a qualified Community Relations Coordinator. The coordinator functions under the direct supervision of the institutional superintendent or quality assurance administrator.

      Mentoring Services
      Tutoring Services
      Chaplaincy Services
      Community Resource Councils
Business Plan 2003
[placed into html by Dr. M.G. Maness]


Millions of Americans volunteer every year. Independent Sector’s1 2001 Survey indicates that 44% of adults – 83.9 million individuals – formally volunteer for groups or organizations, rendering with their service a value estimated at $239 billion in 2001.  A less known fact is that 25 to 30% of this volunteer labor is directed to government. National surveys report that a third or more of all state agencies have the engagement of volunteers. Volunteer participation is very expressive in Texas State Government. There are more than 200,000 individuals volunteering in the delivery of services in Texas.


According to Rehnborg, Fallon and Hinerfeld2, Texas state agencies utilize “four organization models to facilitate the delivery of volunteer service.  Centralized models appear to be most effective in leveraging broad large-scale citizen participation initiatives.  These models require dedicated staff at the central office and regional levels supporting volunteerism.”  The Volunteer Services & Community Involvement Program of the Texas Youth Commission (TYC), along with the Attorney General’s Office, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, and Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, is categorized as a centralized model. 


One full-time staff member, the Administrator of Community Relations, in the central office of TYC is supported by 18 full-time Community Relations Coordinators who are responsible for volunteer management and other community affairs duties.   The authors conclude that, while a certain level of financial and organizational investment is required to support volunteer services, the volunteers “significantly expand the reach of state government, leverage scarce financial resources, and actively engage citizens in the work of a democracy.  Their involvement generates social capital and builds carrying communities. ” 



The importance of volunteers was emphasized in an agreement approved by the federal courts when a class action suit, Morales vs. Turman, was settled in 1984.  That agreement states that:  “The Agency shall take steps to expand the use of volunteers in TYC institutions and facilities.  Volunteers shall be utilized to expand students’ opportunities for educational and recreational experiences, to provide students with increased social interactions and to assist students, as appropriate, in successfully completing the treatment program.”


The Texas Youth Commission had already recognized the inherent value of community involvement even before the civil suit mandated that volunteers be utilized.  Former TYC Executive Director Ron Jackson congratulated the West Texas Community Advisory Council on becoming the first TYC Council to be incorporated in a letter dated February 16, 1984.  Jackson praised the community’s involvement by stating, “TYC is fortunate to have volunteer activities and assistance from citizens like you.”  The agency’s volunteer initiatives have expanded dramatically since that time, but the original intent and dedication of our valuable volunteers have only become more unified.



The mission of the Texas Youth Commission's Volunteer Services Program is to maximize community resources and utilize volunteers to provide opportunities that enable youth to become responsible and productive citizens. We embrace the philosophy that, through volunteers, the community has the ability to enhance lives of youth by providing meaningful activities and resources that promote pro-social, educational, emotional, and spiritual growth; thus, expanding services provided by staff.

The TYC Volunteer Services Program consists of four primary initiatives for community involvement: Mentoring, Tutoring, Community Resource Councils, and Chaplaincy Services. It is our belief that community citizens can dramatically influence the successful rehabilitation and reintegration of juvenile delinquents through these four primary volunteer activities.

Our volunteers are a fundamental part of the Texas Youth Commission. In FY 2002, TYC recorded 2,042 active volunteers on its roster.


2002 TYC Volunteer Demographic Report




Community Volunteer




Intern Student















Over 65








Employment Status







Works full time


Works part-time







Marital Status

















The Association for Volunteer Administration convened an international working group on the profession of volunteer administration in Canada during 2001, with representation from Argentina, Bangladesh, Canada, England, Hungary, Israel, Mauritius, Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, Scotland, and the United States.  This group produced a Universal Declaration on the Profession of Leading and Managing Volunteers3.  This declaration is reprinted in segments throughout this annual report with the hope that TYC employees will become more aware of the value of volunteer involvement to our agency and the incredible contributions of our own Community Relations Coordinators.


“As the international professional association for volunteer leadership, the Association for Volunteer Administration envisions a world in which the lives of individuals and communities are improved by the positive impact of volunteer action.  This vision can best be achieved when there are people who make it their primary responsibility to provide leadership in the management of volunteer resources, whether in the community or within organizations.  These leaders are most effective when they have the respect and support of their communities and/or their organizations, appropriate resources and the opportunity to continually develop their knowledge and skills. With the growth of volunteering worldwide there is a recognition that the time and contribution of volunteers must be respected, and that their work must benefit both volunteers and the causes and organizations they serve.  Thus, we affirm and support the Universal Declaration on Volunteering – which states ‘Volunteering is a fundamental building block of civil society.  It brings to life the noblest aspirations of humankind – the pursuit of peace, freedom, opportunity, safety and justice for all people…. At the dawn of the new millennium, volunteering is an essential element of all societies.’” 


Those who manage the dynamic force of volunteers within the Texas Youth Commission are committed to excellence and the ideals held by the Association for Volunteer Administration.  Our agency’s Community Relations Coordinators (formerly referred to as Volunteer Coordinators) are highly skilled in personnel management, public relations, marketing, team building, non-profit management, and program development.  The success demonstrated throughout this annual report is a direct result of the professionalism and hard work shown by these individuals:

Melissa Burney

Dotty Luera

Patricia Wyman

Raul Arredondo

Rene Fonseca

Fidel Garcia

Bill Bradbury

Demetris McDaniel

Rose Chaisson

Tanya Rosas

Melisa Perkins

Dagmar Poteet

Santiago Flores

Jean Bice

Donna Garcia

Denise Kennedy

Connie Redford

Roberto Ruiz

Vickie White



We share our success with many others throughout the agency who assist in managing volunteer services – particularly the designated volunteer coordinators in our nine halfway houses, and the institutional Chaplains.  They have also contributed much time and effort to integrate volunteer services into the TYC rehabilitation program.


“As volunteering has expanded globally, the need has emerged for strong leadership and management of volunteers. Increasingly, this is recognized as a professional role.  Directors of Volunteers promote change, solve problems, and meet human needs by mobilizing and managing volunteers for the greatest possible impact.  Directors of Volunteers aspire to:

·     Act in accordance with high professional standards.

·     Build commitment to a shared vision and mission.

·     Develop and match volunteer talents, motivations, time availability and differing contributions with satisfying opportunities.

·     Guide volunteers to success in actions that are meaningful to both the individual and the cause they serve.

·     Help develop and enhance an organizing framework for volunteering.”

Each TYC program has a volunteer services component administered by a qualified Community Relations Coordinator. The coordinator functions under the direct supervision of the institutional superintendent or quality assurance administrator.


Texas communities have historically been very generous and supportive of TYC facilities and youth.  The collaborative relationship between the Texas Youth Commission and our communities was further validated during fiscal year 2002 as records indicated yet another increase in volunteer involvement and contributions.  Texas citizens provided 128,113 hours of volunteer service, valued at $1,976,098.  During last year, 2,042 registered volunteers and innumerable groups were involved in the delivery of these services. 


Other in-kind and cash donations brought the FY 2002 contributions to a grand total of $2,319,019.  All of these donations supplemented the resources provided by the state and solely benefited the youth served by TYC.  Examples of donations include library books, educational and behavioral incentives, family transportation assistance, holiday and cultural celebrations, clothing, scholarships, etc.


We began fiscal year 2002 with several daunting goals – all but one was fully attained.  We sought to develop a standard volunteer training manual for implementation statewide.  By the end of the year, a draft of the standardized training manual had been developed.  We anticipate completing the training manual by the Spring of 2003 and plan to begin disseminating the new manual to all TYC facilities by the end of FY03.


A goal that was achieved was the increase of volunteer involvement in parole programs by 150%.  SUCCEEDED!  The number of volunteer service hours in parole offices increased by 161% to 9,551 during FY02 – up from 5,923 the year before.  The success resulting from other goals determined last year are highlighted in the next pages.


Community Relations Coordinators were very busy in public education and marketing activities. During FY02, the following community outreach was reported – 659 tours, 245 community education & recruitment programs, 437 volunteer services training sessions, reaching a total of 20,912 citizens.


Universities across Texas continue to recognize our facilities as quality field placement sites and send volunteer interns to sharpen their skills under the guidance of our trained staff.  During FY02, 166 college interns contributed 15,989 hours of paraprofessional services to our programs.  The Evins Regional Juvenile Center had an overwhelmingly large number of active interns among TYC institutions last year – with 71 individuals contributing 5,060 hours.  McFadden Ranch was the largest practicum field site among halfway houses with 12 interns working 1,010 hours. 



Youth in institutions, halfway houses, and on parole contributed thousands of community service hours during FY02 – service that improved the quality of life in Texas communities. Community service remains a critical component of TYC parole.  The intrinsic value of giving back to one’s community continues to be instilled in our youth. Projects include, but are certainly not limited to, Toys for Tots, Habitat for Humanity, Adopt-a-Highway, city beautification activities, anti-drug and prevention program in public schools, food and fan drives, and beach clean-ups. 


One of the highlights of fiscal year 2002 was the first annual presentation of the President’s Student Service Awards to 35 TYC youth, who together contributed a total of 5,756 unmandated hours of service over and above those required by their parole programs.  State Senator Royce West and TYC Executive Director Steve Robinson presented the President’s Gold Award to the youth, consisting of a lapel pin specially designed by the White House and a certificate signed by the President.  Two TYC youth were also presented a $1,000 college scholarship, sponsored jointly by the State Volunteer Resource Council for Texas Youth and the Corporation for National and Community Service.  The two scholarship recipients were selected from among six youth who submitted essays exploring the issue of the value of serving others.  The President’s Student Service Award and Scholarships, White House initiatives, are intended to recognize, reward, and encourage activities that have a significant impact in meeting the needs of local communities. 


Below are the hours of community service performed by TYC youth in halfway houses, parole offices, and institutions across the state:


FY01 Reported Hours:

FY00 Reported Hours:

Halfway Houses: 


Halfway Houses:


Halfway Houses:


Parole Offices:


Parole Offices:


Parole Offices:










Total Hours:


Total Hours:




The Texas Youth Commission and the State Volunteer Resource Council in May co-sponsored the largest statewide volunteer conference in eighteen years.  Three hundred volunteers and employees of TYC attended the three-day event held in Grapevine.  This year’s conference was themed “Volunteers Bringing Harmony to All” and provided training and networking opportunities designed especially for the volunteers throughout TYC.  The McFadden Community Advisory Council hosted the successful conference.  Connie Redford, TYC’s community relations coordinator in the Northern Service Area, and Stacey Strait, McFadden Council’s conference planning committee chair, directed the local planning efforts of numerous volunteers and staff.


At the opening workshop, a panel of six youth, representing Willoughby and McFadden Ranch Halfway Houses and Ft. Worth Parole, shared their personal experiences in the juvenile justice system and their plans for a successful future.  Twelve other workshops, taught by experts in the fields of volunteerism, nonprofit management, and education, were provided on Saturday.  Two Saturday general sessions featured presentations by American Correctional Association noted-author and criminal justice expert Daniel J. Bayse, and author and acclaimed speaker Brad Fregger.  The conference culminated with the Annual Awards Brunch during which outstanding volunteer contributions were highlighted.  Senator Royce West, of Dallas, was the featured keynote speaker during the awards ceremony.  The 2003 Statewide Volunteer Conference will be held at the Houston J.W. Marriott Hotel on May 30-June 1.


In addition to the statewide agency conference, our Community Relations Coordinators met together for two other extended training sessions led by the Administrator of Community Relations.  One of these training sessions was scheduled in conjunction with the annual Governor’s Volunteer Leadership Conference – the state’s premier training for volunteer administrators in Texas.

“Directors of Volunteers mobilize and support volunteers to engage in effective action that addresses specified needs. As Directors of Volunteers we strive to:

·     Be innovative agents for change and progress. 

·     Be passionate advocates for volunteering. 

·     Welcome diverse contributions and ideas.

·     Develop trusting and positive work environments in which volunteers and other resources are effectively engaged and empowered.

·     Ensure the safety and security of volunteers.

·     Develop networks and facilitate partnerships to achieve desired results.

·     Be guided by, and committed to the goals and ideals of the   cause/mission towards which we are working and to continually expand our knowledge and skills.

·     Communicate sensitively and accurately the context, rationale, and purpose of the work we are doing.

·     Learn from volunteers and others in order to improve the quality of our work”




Perhaps the most important strategic goal determined last fiscal year was to develop quality mentoring and tutoring programs where none exists in each institution and halfway house, and where feasible, in service areas.  SUCCEEDED!  Mentoring programs now exist in all TYC institutions except Marlin and Sheffield – where it remains either infeasible or impractical.  These institutional mentoring programs produced 7,200 hours of service during FY02, with a monetary value of services of $111,104.  Mentoring programs now exist in 6 of the 8 halfway houses (York and Schaeffer are excluded), and in all service areas producing 6,741 hours of service with the value of $103,960 last year.  Across the agency, 290 volunteer Mentors were involved in the delivery of these services.  Three programs utilized mentoring Team Leaders. Total mentoring hours, including the Team Leader contributions, totaled 14,568 valued at $224,749.  Mentoring services represents 11% of the total volunteer contribution to the agency.


Tutoring programs now exist in all TYC institutions except Vernon and Marlin.  Although these services are not feasible at Marlin, the Vernon facility has already begun taking steps to implement the services.  During FY02, the academic department at Vernon was without a principal and it was determined to be in the facility’s best interest to put the program on hold until the academic department was back to routine operations.  These institutional tutoring programs produced 2,959 hours of service valued at $45,555.  Despite the fact that our halfway houses tend to contract all educational services out to the local school districts (including tutoring), four halfway houses implemented additional volunteer-led tutoring services, producing 229 hours of service valued at $3,551.  Total tutoring hours, including the Team Leader contributions at Gainesville and Hamilton, were recorded at 3,262 and valued at $50,250.  Across the agency, 111 individuals were involved in the delivery of these services.  Tutoring services represents 3% of the total volunteer contribution to the agency.


Volunteer-led chaplaincy services continues to be the largest facet of the TYC community involvement program, recorded last year at 53% of total volunteer contributions.  Religious needs of TYC youth could never be fulfilled without the extraordinary and enduring commitment and involvement of our local communities.  Chaplaincy volunteers are active at every TYC institution and halfway house. During FY02, One-thousand registered volunteers, and innumerable other special guests and groups contributed a total of 66,349 hours of their personal time through group/individual study, worship services, pastoral counseling, support groups, music, drama, and special events – valued at $1,023,822. 


Our twenty-four local Community Resource Councils continue to provide the sound foundation upon which the volunteer program flourishes.  Over 400 individuals faithfully served these nonprofit organizations, contributing a total of 9,853 hours of their time – valued at $151,735. 


The following sections provide specific data on the organizational and social impact made by each of these primary volunteer initiatives during fiscal year 2002:

Mentoring Services

Rectangular Callout: “The mentored kids were nearly half as likely to be rearrested for an offense one-year within their release.”Impact results for 2002 showed that youth receiving volunteer-led mentoring in institutions were significantly less likely to be rearrested after release than youth without a mentor.   We compared the re-arrest statistics from the youth who went through the mentoring program in an institutional setting, with a control group of a similar size from the same institutions.   According to the data, the mentored kids were nearly half as likely to be rearrested for an offense one-year within their release (18.3% vs. 32.7%).  Out of 104 youths that were mentored, only 19 were re-arrested, while 34 youths from the control group were re-arrested at the same time period.  This difference was statistically significant.


Research Methodology:  The specific strategic objective relating to the Mentoring Program development was to demonstrate that positive impact occurs.  Prior to the beginning of last year, supplementary service codes were established to track the effectiveness of mentoring services in regards to the one-year rearrest rate for youth in secure settings.  Our recidivism analysis looked only at youth with mentoring in TYC institutions.  The reason we didn't include the community programs is that we track recidivism when they are released from secure to non-secure settings.  If they were in a community program, the tracking time would start before they even get a mentor. Each of these 104 youth was matched with another youth released from the same facility and at as close to the same date as possible.  Each youth was tracked from release until 9/12/2002, or an average of approximately 234 days.  The results showed that youth receiving mentoring in institutions were significantly less likely to be rearrested after release than youth without an institutional mentor.   We examined rearrest for a violent offense and reincarceration also, but there were too few of those cases to find a significant difference


In planning for the FY03 year-end analysis, two additional perspectives have recently been added to the mentoring job description and specific supplementary service codes established to track these distinct perspectives.  The primary goal of MENTORING is to develop a trusting, supportive relationship between a mature adult and a carefully matched youth in which the youth is encouraged to reach his/her potential, discover his/her strengths and develop self-confidence.   For FAITH-BASED MENTORING, this primary objective is based upon religious and spiritual principles.  Personal spiritual growth is treated as a core element in the overall development and moral guidance of the youth. Faith-based mentoring includes the spiritual element by viewing it as a foundation upon which to build positive change.  For SPONSORSHIP MENTORING, this primary objective is based upon the desire to remain clean and sober of drugs/alcohol. The assignment is conditional on the youth consistently demonstrating a desire to remain clean.


The volunteer mentor will consistently visit with the assigned youth approximately 4-8 hours each month, for a minimum of six months.  If the youth is in a TYC halfway house or contract program, the mentoring commitment will be for the duration of the youth’s commitment to that program/facility. The mentor will focus on the four primary tasks of mentoring: 

Ø        Establishing a positive personal relationship,

Ø        Developing life skills and goals,

Ø        Assisting youth in obtaining additional resources, and

Ø        Increasing ability to interact with other social and cultural groups.

Ø        The Faith-Based Mentor will additionally focus on the task of developing spiritual understanding, faith, and traditions. 

Ø        The Sponsorship Mentor will additionally focus on assisting the individual youth to become more autonomous, face the reality of his/her addiction, encourage the development of personal growth and spirituality and allow the youth to make his/her own decisions. 


Annual reports submitted by TYC facilities express how mentors have been integrated into the treatment and rehabilitation program.  For example, the McLennan County State Juvenile Correctional Facility has doubled the number of their mentors – recruiting 31 individuals.   TYC facilities will continue to focus on increasing the number of active mentors. The role of the TYC Mentor has become more established and valued, as we can see in the following comments:


“The mentors reap benefits also as they enjoy the company of their young student and realize that they truly can make a difference.”  ~Patricia Wyman, Crockett Coordinator


“No one makes it in America without some kind of mentor. Whenever successful people look back, they cite those older adults who have influenced their development, even if they knew each other for only a short time. For at-risk kids such as TYC youth facing steep odds against success, finding mentors is not only helpful but essential. They can’t make it all by themselves.”   ~Denise Kennedy, ESA Coordinator


“You would not know it is the same boy.  Do you remember what he was like just a few months before?  I feel like it is because of his mentor.  All my boys do so well with a mentor.”  ~Cathy Austin, CRTC Caseworker


“I have noticed a difference in the behavior of students who have mentors. The behavior of these students gets better when they have a mentor, and many students who I have talked to look forward to seeing their mentors and really get close to them.”  ~Staff Member, Brownwood State School.


Boone Vastine, a Mentor serving at the Crockett State School, mentors his assigned youth.


Tutoring Services

The primary goal of our agency’s educational program is to prove each youth the opportunity to learn the maximum educational skills possible.  The greater the improvement a youth achieves in educational skills, the better the youth is equipped for a successful reentry into community life. Volunteer tutors greatly enhance their work and increase a youth’s academic gain through individualized instruction and encouragement.

Chaplaincy Services

The chaplaincy volunteers continue to be the major contributors of TYC volunteer hours and in most of the institutions they are the strongest component of the volunteer program.  Many of our chaplaincy volunteers have been involved in our program for several years and remain tremendously committed to the spiritual development of our youth.   Religious communities worked cooperatively together, despite individual differences in doctrine, to provide religious services and to allow the youth to be exposed to many different religious and denomination.


Victory Field Correctional Academy continues to maintain the “Adopt-A-Group Bible Study” program with 12 churches participating. These churches adopt a platoon and take responsibility for Bible study, birthday recognition, Christmas and help with family involvement for the each group. These churches have been working with the same platoon since their assignment in 1997-1998. Successful coordination of the faith-based services involved numerous individuals including the Chaplains, Community Relations Coordinators, Volunteer Team Leaders, and other program administrators at the facilities.

Community Resource Councils

The twenty-four Community Resource Councils, comprised of representatives from local community, service and religious organizations, generate community assistance, refer needs and projects to known resources, and help inform the community of the TYC facilities’ goals, accomplishments, needs and problems.   Just a few of the projects and activities undertaken by the Councils last year included transportation assistance for family members, graduation receptions and other educational incentives, capital improvement donations for TYC facilities, holiday and cultural celebrations, volunteers recruitment and recognition events, and youth art classes. 


In FY02, Community Resource Councils accomplished a great deal.  Their fundraising goals have achieved substantial results. The Evins Regional Juvenile Center Volunteer Council, Inc., for example, reported raising $41,000 in community contributions last year. Funds were raised through various types of activities including food booths, sport events and annual solicitation campaigns. Creative initiatives have also been used to raise funds. The Community Advisory Council for Corsicana State Home held an event called “Celebrity Wait” in which local personalities served as waiters at a neighborhood restaurant.  Their tips, surpassing $1,000 for the night, benefited the nonprofit organization.


Councils created innovative ways of increasing social interactions with youth and assisting them in successfully completing the rehabilitation program.  The McFadden Community Advisory Council developed several projects that involve youth participation.  For example, they welcome the halfway house’s student council representative to join their monthly meetings – cited as one of the most beneficial learning experiences for the youth that have been able to participate. Other unique projects undertaken by the McFadden Council were the Garden Project, the Green House, and two family days (costing over $2500 for each weekend).  The Student Support Council for Gainesville State School started an anger-management program led by three volunteers and has achieved significant results in youth behaviors.


The State Volunteer Resource Council is a statewide group of volunteers who give their time, energy and talent to fulfill its mission to “maintain and support a system of local councils who will maximize community resources and utilize volunteers to enable the youth of the TYC to become productive and responsible citizens.”  The State Council envisions a system of engaged local councils at each of the TYC facilities. Members of the Executive Committee have committed themselves to fulfill this vision in several ways.  A Resource Handbook for every local council to use with members and volunteers will be published.  There will be an informational column in each edition of the TYC Journal.  A representative from the Executive Committee of the Council will attend each TYC Board Meeting.  The Executive Committee will attend local council meetings and events to learn about ideas or concerns of local members.  Twice annually, a meeting will be scheduled for networking, training and sharing as a council and as local volunteers.


The State Council and local councils have produced great things that have occurred through cooperation and shared mission among the SVRC members, the 24 local councils and chapters, and the TYC facilities and local communities.   This group of volunteers forms an enormous enterprise that is changing lives and communities. 


Core Beliefs:

As Directors of Volunteers, we hold these beliefs and seek to demonstrate them in our actions:

·     We believe in the potential of people to make a difference.

·     We believe in volunteering and its value to individuals and society.

·     We believe that change and progress are possible.

·     We believe that diversity in views and in voluntary contribution enriches our effort.

·     We believe that tolerance and trust are fundamental to volunteering.

·     We believe in the value of individual and collective action.

·     We believe in the substantial added value represented by the effective planning, resourcing and management of volunteers.

We also believe that we share the responsibility:

·     To manage the contributions of volunteers with care and respect

·     To act with a sense of fairness and equity

·     To ensure our services are responsible and accountable, and

·     To demonstrate the practices of honesty and integrity


The complexity of the problems the world faces reaffirms the power of volunteering as a way to mobilize people to address those challenges.  In order for volunteering to have the greatest impact and to be as inclusive as possible, it must be well planned, adequately resourced and effectively managed.  This is the responsibility of Directors of Volunteers.  They are most effective when their work is recognized and supported.  Therefore, we call on leaders in Government at all levels, to invest in the sustainable development of high quality volunteer leadership and to model excellence in the management of volunteers.”


Business Plan 2003

The Community Relations Coordinators have strived to provide their volunteers better-planned and effective resources for serving. Improving volunteers training and developing new tools to maximize the volunteers’ work, like Volunteer Handbooks and Newsletters, have been a constant concern this past year.  Most significant accomplishments reported by volunteer programs during FY02 included full implementation of mentoring programs, expanding the membership of community resource councils, creating dynamic partnerships in the community, paying special tribute to volunteers, revision of the council’s bylaws and other governing documents, while improving overall council operations, meeting 100% of ACA standards in sections regarding volunteer involvement, having a youth receive the Presidents Student Service Award and Scholarship, implementation of a tattoo removal program, and extraordinary success in raising funds through the council.


Each of the TYC volunteer programs has determined local goals for FY03 including such objectives as increasing community visibility and the number of active volunteers in all programs, improving Family Assistance Programs, developing partnerships and community service projects, and getting more employees involved with the volunteer program.


The FY 2003 Overall Business Plan for Volunteer Services:

Ø    To improve overall functioning of the local volunteer resource councils, evidenced by: ability to meet quorum at monthly meetings, council membership and diversity among members increases across the state, attendance & participation in SVRC meetings/activities increases, incorporation and tax exemption status achieves and/or maintains good standing.

Ø    State Volunteer Resource Council will successfully achieve all strategic goals identified:  developing resource handbook for council members, hosting a successful statewide conference, attendance at TYC Board meetings, contributing articles to the TYC Journal, and implementing an executive committee performance survey.

Ø    To complete the development of the TYC Volunteer Training Manual and disseminate to all field programs for New Volunteer Orientation.

Ø    To develop a TYC Mentoring Training & Resource Manual and disseminate to all field programs for implementation.



Our volunteers have helped TYC expand organizational capability, improve community relations, enhance service quality and make a difference in the lives of thousands of youth. In order to make volunteer contributions most effective, their efforts have to be recognized and supported. Our Community Relations Coordinators cannot do this alone.  The Texas Youth Commission invests in the development of high quality volunteer leadership and models excellence in this area.


We close this report with an excerpt from the publication Investing in Volunteerism: The Impact of Service Initiatives in Selected Texas State Agencies that sums up the single-most important reason for the success of the TYC Volunteer Services Program:  “Clearly volunteers are indispensable to the functions of Texas State government.  When well managed, state agencies leverage the work of their volunteers to increase efficiencies and deliver sound government and effective services to the people of Texas, they accomplish things that simply would not happen through tax dollars and state employees alone.  Putting the time of volunteers to good use is not only a matter of common sense and common concern, but it also an issue of good management and adequate fiscal allocations.  It does not happen on its own.  It does not happen without thoughtful attention.  Volunteers may work for no pay, but they are not free!”


Tammy Vega, Administrator of Community Relations
Natalia Koga, LBJ School of Public Affairs Graduate Intern


For more information about the TYC Volunteer Services Program, contact Tammy Vega, Administrator of Community Relations at 512-424-6245 or tammy.vega@tyc.state.tx.us.


Each TYC program has a volunteer services component administered by a qualified Community Relations Coordinator. The coordinator functions under the direct supervision of the institutional superintendent or quality assurance administrator.

      Mentoring Services
      Tutoring Services
      Chaplaincy Services
      Community Resource Councils
Business Plan 2003


1 Independent Sector promotes, strengthens, and advances the nonprofit and philanthropic community to foster private initiative for the public good.  See:  www.independentsector.org

2 Sarah Jane Rehnborg, Catherine K. Fallon and Benjamin J. Hinerfeld. Investing in Volunteerism: The Impact of Service Initiatives in Selected Texas State Agencies (RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service, University of Texas at Austin, August 2002).

3 The Association for Volunteer Administration (AVA) is the international professional membership association for individuals working in the field of volunteer resources management.  Learn more about AVA at http://www.avaintl.org/.  Download the entire International Declaration from http://www.avaintl.org/advocacy/declaration.html.