01--Divorce Help Archive

01--Four Star Titles:  Notables & Strange/Comic

--- Note:  these only my opinions.  Submit suggestions to www.fourstardivorce@preciousheart.net  and give your extended reasons, reasons that should distinguish the work beyond personal meaning to a work that is truly landmark, first of its kind or truly unique or precedent setting in its sensitivity, breadth and/or depth.

Notables:  Unique, Creative or Exceptional in Depth & Breadth

Baginski, Frank, & Reynolds Dodson.  Splitsville.  New York, NY:  Hawthorn Books, 1980.  96p.  Comic strips on divorce.  On my wish list.

Baskin, Henry, & Sonya Kiel-Friedman.  I've had it, you've had it!  Los Angeles:  Nash Pub., 1974.  141p. 

Bauer, Jill.  From "I do" to "I'll sue":  an irreverent compendium for survivors of divorce.  New York, NY:  Plume/Meridian, 1993.  243p.  Sad that expresses so much of what so many are afraid to admit, but too good not to go below. 

Bernard, Janine M., & Harold Hackney.  Untying the knot:  a guide to civilized divorce.  Minneapolis, MN:  Winston Press, 1983.  189p. See “Divorce Boxing” below.

Blaine, Tom R.  Marriage happiness or unhappiness.  Based on the author's experiences as a trial judge in more than ten thousand divorce cases.  Philadelphia:  Dorrance, 1955.  197p. 

Bradway, John Saeger.  Children of divorced parents.  Durham, NC:  School of law, Duke university, 1944.  866p.  Think about it?  “866” pages in “1944” devoted to the “children” of divorced parents:  a landmark work.

Brown, H. Elliot.  I hate divorce.  Washington, DC:  In-Step-Pub., 1999.  Yes, me too.

Bunkley, Joel William, & William Eugene Morse.  Amis on divorce and separation in Mississippi.  Atlanta:  Harrison Co., 1957.  505p.  Is “Amis” the name of someone you know?  A foundational work.

Bustanoby, André.  But I didn't want a divorce:  putting your life back together.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1978.  174p.  Very creative, avoiding cliches and blending humor.

Carter, Charles Frederick, ed.  The wedding day in literature and art:  a collection of the best descriptions of weddings from the works of the world's leading novelists and poets.  New York:  Dodd, Mead and Company, 1900.  294p.  Unique, certainly.

Catron, Betty.  I'd kill to be a widow:  reflections on divorce.  Illustrated by Ann W.  Kavanagh.  Knoxville, TN:  B. Catron, 1994.  Ouch!  But not out of place.

Chesterton, G. K. (1874-1936).  Brave new family:  G.K. Chesterton on men and women, children, sex, divorce, marriage & the family.  Introduction by Alvaro de Silva.  San Francisco:  Ignatius Press, 1990.  279p.  A poignant collection.

Cohen, Alan.  Happily even after:  can you be friends after lovers?:  50 ways to love your leaver--and make way for the relationship you really want.  Carlsbad, CA:  Hay House, 1999.  What a couraeous work.

Colgrove, Melba, Harold H. Bloomfield & Peter A. McWilliams.  How to survive the loss of a love:  58 things to do when there is nothing to be done.  New York:  Leo Press & Simon & Schuster,  1976.  131p.  Toronto;  New York:  Bantam Books, 1983.  Los Angeles:  Prelude Press, 1991.  212p.  Without pretense & substantial in many kinds of crises.

Cox, Elizabeth.  The ragged way people fall out of love.  San Francisco:  North Point Press, 1991.  New York, NY:  HarperPerennial, 1992.  A novel.  203p.

Crews, June Thomas.  Can anyone fix my broken heart?:  hope for children of divorce.  Enumclaw, WA:  WinePress Publishing, 1999.  I think she understands.

Danziger, Paula.  It's an aardvark-eat-turtle world.  New York, NY:  Delacorte Press, 1985.  132p.  At fourteen, Rosie, her mother, her best friend, and her best friend's father form a new family unit and find it takes a lot of work to make a family in a world of changing relationships.  Creativity award.

Darmon, Pierre.  Damning the innocent:  a history of the persecution of the impotent in pre-revolutionary France.  Translated Le tribunal de l'impuissance from the French by Paul Keegan.  Trial by impotence:  virility and marriage in pre-Revolutionary France.  London:  Chatto & Windus:  Hogarth Press, 1985.New York, NY:  Viking, 1986.  234p.  Marriage, impotence & annulment.  What a sad piece of history and speaks to the gall and ignorance of some potentates today—Yes?

Dashow, Cookie, & Muffin Templeton.  The demented divorce cookbook.  Boynton Beach, FL:  Powerline Pub., 1997.  63p.  With contributions by Chef X.  Only a divorced person can understand and truly appreciate this.  What creativity & humor.

Denlack, Alfred.  Divorce a blessing and not an evil.  Osage City, KN:  Denlack Publishing, 1921.  31p.  In “1921” this must have been courageous.

DeWolf, Rose.  The bonds of acrimony.  Philadelphia:  Lippincott, 1970.  160p.  On my wish list for the title alone;  kind of makes you wonder in its lucidity.

Durham, Ron.  Happily ever after:  (and other myths about divorce).  Wheaton, IL:  Victor Books, 1993.  132p.  Another who understands.

Ephron, Nora.  Crazy salad:  some things about women.  New York, NY:  Knopf:  distributed by Random House, 1975.  201p.  Sexual, maturity, social issues including divorce.  What a creative title.

Erasmus, Desiderius (d. 1536).  The censure and iudgement of the famous clark Erasmus of Roterodam, whyther dyuorsemente betwene man and wyfe stondeth with the lawe of God, with diuers causes wherfore it is permitted with the mynde of the olde doctours.  Translated by Nycolas Lesse.  London:  Printed by the Wydowe of J. Herforde for R. Stoughton, c1550.  How articulate can the question become?  Erasmus was one of among a dozen of the most respected intellects of his day, whether or no you agree with him.

Erickson, Kenneth A.  Please, Lord, untie my tongue-- when there is illness, death, divorce, imprisonment.  St.  Louis, MO:  Concordia Pub. House, 1983.  63p.

Fagerstrom, Karen, et al.  Divorce:  a problem to be solved, not a battle to be fought:  a new concept, collaborative divorce.  Orinda, CA:  Brookwood Pub., 1997.  Surely, this states what ought to the be done.  Noteworthy, indeed and sad it could not have come fifty years ago.

Fordham, Kate.  No pit too deep:  the diary of a divorce.  Tring, Herts, England:  Lion Pub., 1982.  159p.  I wonder.  Need to see this one.

Fuller, Jan.  Space:  the scrapbook of my divorce.  New York, NY:  A.  Fields Books, 1973.  Yes, I need space, but I’m not sure I need a scrapebook, even if looking at someone’s else would undoubtedly provide some healing.

Garber, Marjorie.  Cannibals, witches, and divorce:  estranging the Renaissance.  Baltimore:  Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987.  216p.  On divorce literature in & aroung the Renaissance.  All I want to know is this:  why did she not include a chapter on the twentieth century “Cannibals…”?

Gardner, Richard A.  Psychotherapy with children of divorce.  New York, NY:  J.  Aronson, 1976.  534p.  Northvale, NJ:  J. Aronson, 1991.  576p.  The expert on helping children in divorce.

Goode, William Josiah.  Women in divorce.  Westport, CT:  Greenwood Press, 1978 (1st print 1956).  381p.  A classic and foundational work.

Gordon, Augusta.  Turn off the peas, I'm leaving.  London:  Tom Stacey Ltd, 1972.  89p.  On divorced women in Great Britain.  Kind of says it all, doesn’t it.

Green, James A.  The separation of the gods:  divorce and eternal theater.  Wichita, KS:  Greenwood Research, 2000.  I just have to see what this one is about.

Greenberg, Myrna.  Strawberry jam divorce.  Yoeville:  Justified Press, 1989.  98p.  Creative, if not unusual.

Gregory, Michael.  Shakespeare must have been divorced:  practical alternatives to hiring a divorce lawyer and why.  Lexington, KY:  Gwydion Pub., 1997.  174p.  Just stands out, asking me to lift it from the shelf.

Grieco, Peter L., Michael J. Termini & Mark M. Grieco.  Divorce, a four letter word.  Palm Beach Gardens, FL:  PT Publications, 1993.  362p.  Kind of makes you wonder what he means, doesn’t it?

Griffith, Edward Fyfe.  Marriage and the unconscious.  London:  Secker & Warburg, 1957.  221p.  Serious, we know for “1957,” but today the title is foder for every late night comedian.  Still, don’t we need an update of this work?

Harvey, Donald Reid.  When the one you love wants to leave.  Grand Rapids, MI:  Raven's Ridge Books, Baker Book House, 1993.  223p.  Tender & to the point.

Haven, Susan Perkis.  Maybe I'll move to the lost & found.  New York, NY:  Putnam, 1988.  158p.  I have come to believe that women are more adapt at finding creative titles than men, titles that seem to capture in an small phrase a whole range of emotion on a narrow topic.  Top shelf, this title is.

Horstman, James L., & Van T.  Moon.  A helping hand:  a reflection guide for the divorced, widowed, or separated.  New York, NY:  Paulist Press, 1993.  126p.  Christian meditations.  “A helping hand”:  how nice.

Howard, Arthur, & Charles Ortleb.  Let's get a divorce, I'll bring the wine.  New York, NY:  St.  Martin's Press, 1980.  96p.  Tragic, but true to the heart—again, only a divorced person could truly appreciate this.

Hunt, Morton M.  The world of the formerly married.  New York, NY:  McGraw-Hill, 1966.  326p.  Hard to place, for it is more than a sociological treatise and not fully in the “help” group in its breadth.  The “World” of the formerly married is strange and all the stranger depending on the “value” of marriage to the formerly married.

Jayanti, Amber.  Silas and the mad-sad people.  Illustrated by Ellen Beier.  Stanford, CA:  New Seed Press, 1981.  31p.  When his parents separate amidst sadness and anger, Silas painfully comes to terms with his insecurities.  I thought, “Wow,” I think I’m among the “mad-sad” people:  creativity with a slap.

Johnson, Laurene, & Georglyn Rosenfeld.  Divorced kids.  Nashville, TN:  T. Nelson, 1990.  224p.  Why call a book “Divorced kids”?  Seems, prima facie, to miss the point about the trauma “kids” go through, as though the “kids” were the ones doing the divorcing (which is not the intent of the book).

Johnson, Stephen M.  First person singular:  living the good life alone.  Philadelphia:  Lippincott, 1977.  367p.  Oh, yes, who has not thought of how to live happily alone?  This is on my wish list for the title and number of pages (how could someone write so much about singleness in 1977?).

Johnston, Janet R., & Vivienne Roseby.  In the name of the child:  a developmental approach to understanding and helping children of conflicted and violent divorce.  New York, NY:  Free Press, 1997.  337p.  Just had to place this here “in the name of the child” and for the substantial work that went into this work for the children’s sake.

Kitson, Gay C.  Portrait of divorce:  adjustment to marital breakdown.  With William M. Holmes.  New York, NY:  Guilford Press, 1992.  438p.  A landmark work on the intricacies of “adjustment” to marital breakdown.

Klingler, Fay A.  My magnificent mountain:  the journey of healing:  one woman's courage to live and love after divorce.  Orem, UT:  SunRise Pub., 1997.  What courage, indeed.

Krantzler, Mel, & Pat Krantzler.  The new creative divorce:  how to create a happier, more rewarding life--during and after--your divorce.  Holbrook, MA:  Adams Media, 1999.  A major work by a couple of the experts.

Kurz, Demie.  For richer, for poorer:  mothers confront divorce.  New York, NY:  Routledge, 1995.  288p.  Here for the mothers.  About time someone devoted a book to the “mothers.”

Lake, Steven R.  Hearts and dollars:  how to beat the high cost of falling in and out of love.  Foreword by Melvin Belli.  Chicago, IL:  Chicago Review Press, 1983.  174p.  How about this:  a creative title on the financing of divorce?

Lantum, Daniel.  Fertility and some factors affecting it:  divorce in rural Cameroon (women's opinions).  Yaoundé, Cameroon:  Public Health Unit, UCHS (CUSS) University of Yaoundé, 1978.  11p.  Let’s hurt for the women of Cameroon that gave rise to the need of this.

Larson, Hal, & Susan Larson.  Suddenly single!:  a lifeline for anyone who has lost a love.  San Francisco:  Halo Books, 1990.  161p.  2nd ed., 1993, 214p.  A “lifeline”:  yes, something to address the “shock” & sudden dread that only a divorced person can understand.

Le Nart, Marie.  A child of divorce.  Cincinnati:  The Standard Publishing Co., c.1922.  435p.  Probably the first serious work on the affects of divorce on children.

Lichtenberger, James Pendleton (1870-1953).  Divorce:  a social interpretation.  New York, London:  Whittlesey house, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1931.  New York, NY:  Arno Press, 1972 [1st printed c1931].  472p.  Among the very first.

Lichtenberger, James Pendleton (1870-1953).  Divorce:  a study in social causation.  New York, NY:  Columbia University, 1909.  230p.  New York, NY:  AMS Press, 1968.  230p.  Among the very first “social” study.

Lintermans, Gloria.  The newly divorced book of protocol:  how to be civil when you hate their guts.  New York, NY:  Barricade Books, 1995.  272p.  To the point:  I mean devoted to helping us do what we all really should do and be civil in spite of our uncivil feelings.

Lys, Claudia de.  How the world weds:  the story of marriage, adultery & divorce.  Detroit, MI:  Omingraphics, 1997.  (1st published:  New York, NY:  The Martin Press, 1929.)  279p.  Marriage customs, rites & divorce.

Margulies, Sam.  Getting divorced without ruining your life.  Foreword by Janet G. Woititz.  New York, NY:  Simon & Schuster, 1992.  318p.  On the cutting edge of advanced works on divorce help.

Mason, Pamela Ostrer, & Vi Wolfson.  Marriage is the first step toward divorce.  New York, NY:  P. S. Eriksson, 1968.  184p.  Sad, but noteworthy for the tragedy it exposes.

Mason, Robert Lee, & Caroline L. Jacobs.  How to choose the wrong marriage partner and live unhappily ever after.  Atlanta:  John Knox Press, 1979.  169p.  Certainly, the play on words says more than the words themselves.

Medved, Diane.  The case against divorce.  New York, NY:  D.I.  Fine, 1989.  262p.  If not the only work, one of the most substantial works “against” divorce outside the purely religious frame of reference.  Surely a masterpiece if there is anything at all to truly compare with it.

Menefee, Samuel Pyeatt.  Wives for sale:  an ethnographic study of British popular divorce.  New York, NY:  St. Martin's Press, 1981.  336p.  Hmm?  Written in 1981 and by published by St. Martin?  Have to see if this is another landmark sociological work.

Muha, Thomas, & Maureen Vernon.  Divorce is the pits, so stop digging:  success strategies for parents.  Annapolis, MD:  Looking Glass Productions, 1996.  151p.  “So stop digging”:  good.

Ringrose, Hyacinthe (1872-1946).  Marriage and divorce laws of the world.  Littleton, CO:  F. B. Rothman, (1st 1910) 1988.  270p.  Foundational in its category.

Rue, James J., & Louise Shanahan.  The limbo world of the divorced.  Chicago:  Franciscan Herald Press, 1979.  312p. 

Rue, Stephen.  Voodoo divorce:  put a hex on your ex through preparation and knowledge.  New York, NY:  Forbes/FCP, 1999.

Salmon, Thomas (1679-1767).  An essay concerning marriage.  To which is added, an historical account of the marriage rites and ceremonies of the Greeks and Romans, and our Saxon ancestors, and of most nations of the world at this day.  2d ed.  London:  Printed for C.  Rivington, 1724.  343p.

Seidenberg, Robert.  The father's emergency guide to divorce-custody battle:  a tour through the predatory world of judges, lawyers, psychologists, and social workers in the subculture of divorce.  With the legal insights of William Dawes.  Takoma Park, MD:  JES Books, 1997.  215p.  The “subculture” of divorce?

Smith, Charles Edward (1905-1959).  Papal enforcement of some medieval marriage laws.  University, LA:  Louisiana State University Press, 1940.   Port Washington, NY:  Kennikat Press 1972.  230p.  Doctoral thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1932.  Marriage, annulment.  Not sure just where to place this, but how this must bear unique witness to the struggles of many.

Smith, Harold Ivan.  I wish someone understood my divorce:  a practical cope-book.  Minneapolis:  Augsburg Pub. House, 1986.  160p.  Humor with insight.

Stanfield, Christine M.  Some days I think I’ll live.  Nashville:  T. Nelson Publishers, 1990.  190p.  She understands.

Trafford, Abigail.  Crazy time:  surviving divorce and building a new life.  Rev. ed.  New York, NY:  HarperPerennial, 1982.  289p.  1992, 288p. 

Walker, Alexander (1779-1852).  Woman physiologically considered as to mind, morals, marriage, matrimonial slavery, infidelity, and divorce.  Delhi, India:  Mittal Publications, 1987.  304p.  Writtern before 1852 and published in India in 1987?  Need to see it before categorizing, but certainly noteworthy if a valid history of abuse and then most likely among the chronicles of abuse.

Wallerstein, Judith S., & Sandra Blakeslee.  Second chances:  men, women, and children a decade after divorce.  New York, NY:  Ticknor & Fields, 1989.  329p.  A landmark study.

Wilson, Patricia.  Beyond the crocodiles:  reflections on being divorced and being Christian.  Nashville:  Upper Room Books, 1990.  127p.

NOT-ables:  Strange & Comic

An essay on marriage;  or, The lawfulness of divorce, in certain cases, considered:  addressed to the feelings of mankind.  Philadelphia, PA:  Printed by Zachariah Poulson, Jr., 1788.  28p.  Don’t you love it:  “addressed to the feelings of mankind”?  I’ll bet Zechariah wrote it, too;  I’d like to hear his wife’s side (since she could not get published easily in 1788).

An essay upon divorcement;  writ for the good of both sexes, shewing the lawfulness and unlawfulness, the conveniences and inconveniences of divorces with a peremptory conclusion upon the fame, occasion'd by the debates in the House of Lords, the 3d of this instant, upon Sir Geo. Downing and Mrs. Forester, petitioning for a divorce, which will also be an answer to Mr. Shuttlewood's wedding sermon intitled, Marriages made in heaven.  London:  Printed for J. Baker, 1715.  42p.  Go ahead, laugh, I know you’re smiling.

Andrews, Stephen Pearl, ed.  Love, marriage, and divorce, and the sovereignty of the individual.  New York, NY:  Stringer & Townsend, 1853.  103p.  Kind of makes you wonder what their problem was, doesn’t it?

Berry, David Chapman.  Divorce boxing.  Cheney, WA:  Eastern Washington University Press, 1998.  Why?  Why?

Brown, Oliver Phelps.  The complete herbalist;  or, The people their own physicians, by the use of nature's remedies;  describing the great curative properties found in the herbal kingdom.  A new and plain system of hygienic principles, together with comprehensive essays on sexual philosophy, marriage, divorce.  Jersey City, NJ:  Pub. by the author, 1872.  504p.  Self-published:  why?

Bunny, Edmund (1540-1618).  Of divorce for adulterie, and marrying againe.  Amsterdam, Netherlands:  Theatrum Orbis Terrarum;  Norwood, NJ:  W.  J.  Johnson, 1976.  171p.  How could one write “171” pages on adultery in the 16th century?

Bythewood, Daniel.  An essay:  embracing, first, the divine authority of marriage, or the connubial rite:  secondly, the New Testament doctrine of divorce and marriage, with occasional inferences:  thirdly, human authorities, or uninspired writers, on the same subject, as we find them, here and there, interspersed in church history:  with brief reflections throughout, all of which, in view of the purity, chastity, and holiness, of the church of Christ.  Charleston:  W. Riley, 1837.  20p.  You’ve met him, haven’t you?

Cases of impotency and divorce, as debated in England.  London:  Printed and sold by the booksellers in town and country, 1737.  London:  Hutchinson & Co., 1938.  246p.  What can you say?  Pointed title, don’t you think?

Covington, Lee.  How to dump your wife.  Seattle, WA:  Fender Pub. Co., 1994.  143p.  Sure, another soul incapable of facing his bitterness.

Dabney, J. Luther, & Gene Frost.  Dabney-Frost debate on marriage, divorce and remarriage:  Must adulterers separate before being baptized?  Fort Worth, TX:  [n.p.] 1959.  225p.  “1959?”:  proof that anyone can get published.

Dawson, Frank Jasper.  Happiness and misery in married life;  laws that govern love, courtship, and marriage;  causes that lead to liaisons, illicit relationship.  Springfield, OH:  author, 1901.  200p.  Did this fellow have a heart attack?

Deits, Bob.  Life after loss:  a guide dealing with death, divorce, job change, and relocation.  Tucson, AZ:  Fisher Books, 1988.  226p.  1992, 238p;  3rd ed., 1999.  My goodness, can we cover more territory and do it well in under 300 pages:  no wonder it keeps getting published. 

Gábor, Zsa Zsa.  How to catch a man, how to keep a man, how to get rid of a man.  Garden City, NY:  Doubleday, 1970.  155p.  More proof that anyone can get published.

Hamilton, Cosmo.  Everyman to his wife:  in which the causes for unhappiness in married life and the reasons for the necessity of a wider and more humane Divorce Bill are set out.  Abbot, George, abp. of Canterbury, 1562-1633. 

Hart, Dick.  Screw the bitch:  divorce tactics for men.  Port Townsend, WA:  Breakout Productions, 1999.  Amazing that this got published.

Hatch, Benjamin Franklin.  Spiritualists' iniquities unmasked, and the Hatch divorce case.  New York, NY:  the author, 1859.  52p.  This fellow must have really hurt.

Laney, J. Carl.  The divorce myth.  Minneapolis, MN:  Bethany House Pub., 1981.  152p.  A Christian view.  The “myth”?  Cannot accept this as anything but out of touch.

Lawrence, William (c1613-1681).  Two great questions determined by the principles of reason & divinity:  I.  Whether the right to succession, in haereditary kingdoms, be eternal and unalterable? Neg.:  II.  Whether some certain politick reasons may not be sufficient grounds of divorce?  London:  Printed for Richard Janeway, 1681.  35p.

Madan, Martin, 1726-1790.  Thelyphthora;  or, A treatise on female ruin, in its causes, effects, consequences, prevention, and remedy;  considered on the basis of the divine law:  under the following heads, viz. marriage, whoredom, and fornication, adultery, polygamy, divorce;  with many other incidental matters;  particularly including an examination of the principles and tendency of stat. 26 Geo. II c. 33. commonly called The marriage act.  2d ed.  London:  Printed for J. Dodsley, 1781.  3 volumes.  I have to find this somewhere, just to look through it—not own it.

Meyers, Lester, ed.  Sex answers;  250 questions and answers on sex, marriage and divorce.  New York, NY:  Meyer Publishing Company, c1934.  46p.  “250” answers (?) in “46” pages in “1934” that were compiled by Lester the “editor”:  kind of makes you want to meet Lester, doesn’t it?  The turn of the century had to be rough for some folks.

Miller, Frederick Scott.  Illustrated with original drawings by W. L. Haskell.  Fighting modern evils that destroy our homes;  a startling exposure of the snares and pitfalls of the social world, vividly depicting how homes are wrecked and souls destroyed through the wiles and trickery of mystic cults, and the soulmate, the affinity, easy marriage, easy divorce, intemperence, etc., etc.  A crusade for the purity of the home.  Chicago:  Homewood Press, c.1913.  416p.  I especially like the “with original drawings.”

O'Leary, A.  Demonology, or, Love, courtship and marriage, divorce and stirpiculture.  Chicago:  National Institute of Science, 1898.  317p.  I’ve got to see this to truly understand, because I’m sure I don’t from the title.

Olen, Stanley.  Screwed by lawyers and judges.  Chatham, NJ:  Olen, 1977.  136p.  I wonder what he thinks?  And I’m not sure just where to place this.

Selden, John (1584-1654).  Ioannis Seldeni Uxor Ebraica:  seu, De nuptiis & divortiis ex jure civili, id est divino & Talmudico veterum Ebraeorum, libri tres:  stupenda & Christianis quasi inaudita Karaeorum seu Judaeorum scripturariorum de incestu dogmata interseruntur:  accedunt non pauca de contrahendis solvendisque matrimoniis Paganorum, Mahumedanorum atque Christianorum, idque ex jure tam Caesareo aliarumque Gentium complurium, tam Pontificio tam Orientis quàm Occidentis, quà sive ex Ebraeorum moribus defluxerint, sive eis cognata videantur.  Londini:  Typis Richardi Bishopii, 1646.  630p.  I’m not sure what this is about, but we know that someone is in big trouble from what we can translate:  “Christianis quasi” and all.

Spencer, Duane E.  God speaks on:  marriage and divorce.  Shippensburg, PA:  Companion Press, 1988.  “God speaks on”:  I wonder how long it took to come up with this title?

Staton, Knofel.  Don't divorce the Holy Spirit.  Cincinnati, OH:  New Life Books, 1974.  112p.  Please, why this?  Does this come close to blasphemy?

The Cases of impotency and virginity fully discuss'd:  being the genuine proceedings, in the Arches-Court of Canterbury, between the Honourable Catherine Elizabeth Weld, alias Aston, and her husband Edward Weld, Esq., of Lulworth-Castle in Dorsetshire.  Published by John Crawfurd.  London:  Printed for Thomas Gammon, and sold by W. Mears, 1732.  79p.  What?  “Fully discuss’d”?  Or was “he” … “disgusted”?  Whoever “he” was?

Ventura, John, & Mary Reed..  Divorce for dummies.  Foster City, CA:  IDG Books Worldwide, 1998.  354p.  Too broad to be of real help for a dummy.  What dummy would pick up 354 pages.