02--Family Violence & Battered Women

"Without fear":  a facilitator's guide.  Produced by the Canadian Panel on Violence Against Women.  Ottawa, Ont.:  The Panel, 1993.  36p.

Adler, Leonore Loeb, & Florence L. Denmark, eds.  Violence and the prevention of violence.  Forewords by Lenore E.A. Walker and Benjamin B. Wolman.  Westport, CT:  Praeger, 1995.  217p.

Alvazzi del Frate, Anna.  Women's victimisation in developing countries.  Rome, Italy,:  UNICRI, 1995.  16p.

Ammerman, Robert T., & Michel Hersen, eds.  Assessment of family violence:  a clinical and legal sourcebook.  2nd ed.  New York:  John Wiley, 1992.  397p.  1999, 436p.

Andolsen, Barbara Helkert, Christine E. Gudorf & Mary D. Pellauer.  Women’s consciousness, women’s conscience:  a reader in feminist ethics.  San Francisco:  Harper & Row, 1985 & 1987.  310p.

Armitage, Ronda.  Family violence.  Austin, TX:  Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1999. 

Arriaga, Ximena B., & Stuart Oskamp, eds.  Violence in intimate relationships.  Claremont Symposium on Applied Social Psychology.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Publications, 1999.  216p.

Ascione, Frank R., & Phil Arkow, eds.  Child abuse, domestic violence, and animal abuse:  linking the circles of compassion for prevention and intervention.  West Lafayette, IN:  Purdue University Press, 1999.  479p.

Barden, Renardo.  Juvenile violence.  North Bellmore, NY:  M. Cavendish, 1994.  96p.

Barnett, Ola W., Cindy L. Miller-Perrin & Robin D. Perrin, eds.  Family violence across the lifespan:  an introduction.  Thousand Oaks;  London;  New Delhi:  Sage Publications, 1997.  392p.

Berger, Gilda.  Violence and the family.  New York:  F. Watts, 1990.  128p.

Berry, Dawn Bradley.  The domestic violence sourcebook:  everything you need to know.  Los Angeles:  Lowell House;  Chicago:  Contemporary Books, 1995.  252p.

Bolton, Frank G.  When bonding fails:  clinical assessment of high-risk families.  Foreword by George D. Comerci.  Beverly Hills:  Sage Publications, 1983.  224p.

Borkowski, Margaret, Mervyn Murch & Val Walker.  Marital violence:  the community response.  London;  New York:  Tavistock Publications, 1983.  230p.

Borland, Marie, ed.  Violence in the family.  Manchester:  Manchester University Press;  Atlantic Highlands, N.J.:  Humanities Press, 1976.  148p.

Bunch, Charlotte, & Roxanna Carillo.  Gender violence:  a development and human rights issue.  Dublin:  Attic Press, 1992.  24p.

Burby, Liza N.  Family violence.  San Diego:  Lucent Books, 1996.  112p.

Canfield, Donna.  Honeymoon mania:  the male abuser's best weapon.  Dallas, TX:  Morgan Meadow Enterprises, 1995.  168p.

Cantrell, Leslie A.  Into the light:  a guide for battered women.  Charlotte, NC:  Kidsrights, 1995.  27p.  Revision of:  Victim to survivor, 1985.

Cardarelli, Albert P., ed.  Violence between intimate partners:  patterns, causes, and effects.  Boston:  Allyn & Bacon, 1997.  230p.

Cebik, L. B., Glenn C. Graber & Frank H. Marsh, eds.  Violence, neglect, and the elderly.  Greenwich, CT:  JAI Press, 1996.  240p.

Chapman, Jane Roberts, & Margaret Gates, eds.  The Victimization of women.  Beverly Hills, CA:  Sage Publications, 1978.  282p.

Connors, Jane Frances.  Violence against women in the family.  United Nations Office at Vienna, Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs.  New York:  United Nations, 1989.  120p.

Cox, Martha J., & Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, eds.  Conflict and cohesion in families:  causes and consequences.  Mahwah, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1999.  362p.  Papers from the second Family Research Consortium, Research Consortium on Family Risk and Resilience's first Summer Institute, held in June 1994 in Santa Fe, N.M.

DeKeseredy, Walter S., & Ronald Hinch.  Woman abuse:  sociological perspectives.  Toronto, Ont.;  Lewiston, N.Y.:  Thompson Educational Pub., 1991.  161p.

Dobash, R. Emerson, & Russell Dobash.  Violence against wives:  a case against the patriarchy.  New York:  Free Press, 1979.  339p.

Douglas, Kay.  Invisible wounds:  a self-help guide for women in destructive relationships.  London:  Women's Press, 1996.  266p.

Duffy, Ann, & Julianne Momirov.  Family violence:  a Canadian introduction.  Toronto:  J. Lorimer, 1997.  237p.

Dutton, Donald G.  The domestic assault of women:  psychological and criminal justice perspectives.  Boston:  Allyn and Bacon, 1988.  220p.  Vancouver:  UBC Press, 1995.  337p.

Everstine, Diana Sullivan, & Louis Everstine.  People in crisis:  strategic therapeutic interventions.  New York:  Brunner/Mazel, 1983.  258p.  Family violence & crime victims.

Findley, Kathy Manis.  The survivor's voice:  healing the invisible wounds of violence and abuse.  Macon, GA:  Smyth & Helwys Pub., 1999.  114p.  Including family violence in the Bible.

French, Stanley G., Wanda Teays & Laura M. Purdy.  Violence against women:  philosophical perspectives.  Ithaca:  Cornell University Press, 1998.  260p.

Geffner, Robert, Susan B. Sorenson & Paula K. Lundberg-Love, eds.  Violence and sexual abuse at home:  current issues in spousal battering and child maltreatment.  New York:  Haworth Maltreatment & Trauma Press, 1997.  371p.

Gelles, Richard J.  The violent home:  a study of physical aggression between husbands and wives.  Beverly Hills, CA:  Sage Publications, 1974.  230p.

Gelles, Richard J., & Claire Pedrick Cornell, eds.  International perspectives on family violence.  Lexington, MA:  Lexington Books, 1983.  171p.

Gerdes, Louise, ed.  Battered women.  San Diego, CA:  Greenhaven Press, 1999. 

Gilbert, Lucy, & Paula Webster.  Bound by love:  the sweet trap of daughterhood.  Boston:  Beacon Press, 1982.  175p.  Family violence & sex discrimination.

Goldenstern, Joyce.  American women against violence.  Springfield, NJ:  Enslow Publishers, 1998.  128p.  Profiles ten American women from different regions, ethnic backgrounds, and times who are working or have worked against violence.

Goldentyer, Debra.  Family violence.  Austin, TX:  Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1995.  80p.  For teenagers.

Greenberg, Keith Elliot.  Family abuse:  why do people hurt each other?  New York:  Twenty-First Century Books, 1994.  64p.  For teenagers.

Groetsch, Michael.  The battering syndrome:  why men beat women and the professional's guide to intervention.  Brookfield, WI:  CPI Pub., 1996.  233p.

Gurr, Jane, et al.  Breaking the links between poverty and violence against women:  a resource guide:  Défaire les liens entre la pauvreté et la violence faite aux femmes.  Ottawa:  Family Violence Prevention Division, Health Canada, 1996.  48p.  Woman & wife abuse in Canada.

Hague, Gill, & Ellen Malos.  Domestic violence:  action for change.  Cartoons by Tamsin Wilton.  2nd ed.  Cheltenham, England:  New Clarion Press, 1993.  234p.  1998, 212p.

Hansen, Marsali, & Michèle Harway, eds.  Battering and family therapy:  a feminist perspective.  Newbury Park:  Sage Publications, 1993.  302p.

Harway, Michèle, & James M. O'Neil, eds.  What causes men's violence against women?  Foreword by Joseph R. Biden.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Publications, 1999.  296p. 

Harway, Michele, & Marsali Hansen.  Spouse abuse:  assessing & treating battered women, batterers, and their children.  Sarasota, FL:  Professional Resource Press, 1994.  105p.

Havelin, Kate.  Family violence:  my parents hurt each other!  Mankato, MI:  LifeMatters, 2000. 

Healey, Kaye, ed.  A culture of violence?  Balmain, N.S.W.:  Spinney Press, 1996.  40p.  Australia.

Hennekens, Candace A.  Healing your life:  recovery from domestic abuse.  Chippewa Falls, WI:  ProWriting Services and Press, 1991.  106p.

Herzberger, Sharon D.  Violence within the family:  social psychological perspectives.  Madison:  Brown & Benchmark, 1996.  257p.

Hong, Maria.  Family abuse:  a national epidemic.  Springfield, NJ:  Enslow Publishers, 1997.  128p.

Jackson, Nicky Ali, & Giselé Casanova Oates, eds.  Violence in intimate relationships:  examining sociological and psychological issues.  Boston:  Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998.  259p.

Jaffe, Peter G., et al.  Working together to end domestic violence.  Tampa, FL:  Mancorp Pub., 1996.  243p. 

Jamiolkowski, Raymond M.  Drugs and domestic violence.  New York:  Rosen Pub. Group, 1996.  64p.

Javier, Rafael Art, William G. Herron & Andrea J. Bergman, eds.  Domestic violence:  assessment and treatment.  Northvale, NJ:  J. Aronson, 1996.  190p.

Johann, Sara Lee.  Domestic abusers:  terrorists in our homes.  Springfield, IL:  C.C. Thomas, 1994.  144p.

Johnson, Norman, ed.  Marital violence.  London;  Boston:  Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985.  195p.

Jukes, Adam.  Why men hate women.  London:  Free Association Books, 1993.  345p.

Kemp, Alan R.  Abuse in the family:  an introduction.  Pacific Grove, CA:  Brooks/Cole, 1998.  337p.

Kinstlinger-Bruhn, Charlotte.  Everything you need to know about breaking the cycle of domestic violence.  New York:  Rosen Pub. Group, 1997.  64p.

Klein, Renate C. A., eds.  Multidisciplinary perspectives on family violence.  London;  New York:  Routledge, 1998.  241p.

Knowles, Caroline.  Family boundaries:  the invention of normality & dangerousness.  Peterborough, Ont.;  Orchard Park, NY:  Broadview Press, 1996.  212p.

Kowalski, Karren, ed.  Women's health care.  Wakefield, MA:  Nursing Resources, 1979.  85p.

Kurland, Morton L.  Coping with family violence.  New York City, NY:  Rosen Pub. Group, 1986.  143p.  True stories in various settings and situations depict child abuse and other kinds of violence between family members.

Langley, Roger, & Richard C. Levy.  Wife beating:  the silent crisis.  New York:  Dutton, 1977.  242p.

Lawrence, Bonita.  The exclusion of survivors' voices in feminist discourse on violence against women.  Ottawa:  CRIAW/ICREF, 1996.  43p.

Layden, Joseph.  Domestic violence.  Brookfield, CT:  The Millbrook Press, 1995.  64p.

MacLeod, Linda, & Andrée Cadieux.  Wife battering in Canada:  the vicious circle.  Prepared for the Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women, Ottawa.  Quebec:  Canadian Govt. Pub. Centre, Supply and Services, 1980.  72p.

MacLeod, Linda, & Dianne Kinnon.  Taking the next step to stop woman abuse:  from violence prevention to individual, family, community, and societal health:  a practical vision of collaboration and change.  Ottawa, Canada:  National Clearinghouse on Family Violence, Health Promotion and Programs Branch, Health Canada, 1996.  49p.

Marecek, Mary.  Breaking free from partner abuse:  voices of battered women caught in the cycle of domestic violence.  Illustrated by Jami Moffett.  Buena Park, CA:  Morning Glory Press, 1999. 

Martin, Del.  Battered wives.  San Francisco:  Glide Publications, 1976.  269p.

Martin, John Powell, ed.  Violence and the family.  Chichester;  New York:  Wiley, 1978.  369p.

Mastrocola-Morris, Elaine.  Woman abuse:  the relationship between wife assault and elder abuse.  Ottawa:  Family Violence Prevention Division, National Clearinghouse on Family Violence, Health and Welfare Canada, 1989.  6p.

McClennen, Joan C., & John Gunther, eds.  A professional's guide to understanding gay and lesbian domestic violence:  understanding practice interventions.  Lewiston, NY:  E. Mellen, 1999. 

McGinnis, Carolyn Sue.  Creating an abuse free relationship:  a manual for recovering self and intimacy.  Santa Fe:  Hearsfire Books, 1999.  143p.

Miller, Nick.  Battered spouses.  London:  Bell, 1975.  69p.

Mitchell, Alexander Ross Kerr.  Violence in the family.  Hove, East Sussex, England:  Wayland, 1978.  144p.

Mullender, Audrey, & Rebecca Morley, eds.  Children living with domestic violence:  putting men's abuse of women on the child care agenda.  London:  Whiting & Birch;  Concord, MA:  Paul & Co., 1994.  296p.

Mullender, Audrey.  Rethinking domestic violence:  the social work and probation response.  London;  New York:  Routledge, 1996.  317p.

NiCarthy, Ginny, & Karen Merriam & Sandra Coffman, eds.  Talking it out:  a guide to groups for abused women.  Seattle, WA:  Seal Press, 1984.  165p.

Pagelow, Mildred Daley, & Lloyd W. Pagelow.  Family violence.  New York:  Praeger, 1984.  592p.

Pecci, Ernest F.  The violence potential:  in our society today.  Walnut Creek, CA:  Pavior Pub., 1994.  171p.

Pizzey, Erin.  Scream quietly or the neighbours will hear.  Edited by Alison Forbes.  Short Hills, NJ:  R. Enslow Publishers, 1977.  154p.London:  IF Books, 1974.  143p.  Harmondsworth;  New York:  Penguin, 1974.  143p.  1979, 149p.

Pizzey, Erin.  The emotional terrorist and the violence-prone.  Ottawa:  Commoners' Pub., 1998.  133p.

Potter-Efron, Ronald T., & Patricia S. Potter-Efron, eds.  Aggression, family violence, and chemical dependency.  New York:  Haworth Press, 1990.  226p.  Also been published as Journal of chemical dependency treatment, volume 3, number 1, 1989.

Rench, Janice E.  Family violence:  how to recognize and survive it.  Minneapolis:  Lerner Publications Co., 1992.  64p.

Rhodes, Dusty, & Sandra McNeill, eds.  Women against violence against women.  London:  Onlywomen Press, 1985.  280p.

Roleff, Tamara L., ed.  Domestic violence:  opposing viewpoints.  San Diego, CA:  Greenhaven Press, 2000. 

Rossman, B. B. Robbie, Honore M. Hughes & Mindy S. Rosenberg..  Children and interparental violence:  the impact of exposure.  Philadelphia, PA:  Brunner/Mazel, 1999. 

Roy, Maria, ed.  Battered women:  a psychosociological study of domestic violence.  New York:  Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1977.  334p.

Russell, Gordon W., ed.  Violence in intimate relationships.  New York:  PMA Pub. Corp., 1988.  294p.

Schmidt, Karen Louise.  Transforming abuse:  nonviolent resistance and recovery.  Gabriola Island, B.C.;  Philadelphia:  New Society Publishers, 1995.  175p.

Scott, Catherine L.  Lovestruck.  Denver, CO:  Accent Books, 1988.  188p.

Stark, Evan.  Everything you need to know about family violence.  New York:  Rosen Pub. Group, 1989.  64p.  Wife & child abuse.

State of Alaska Violence Against Women S*T*O*P Project:  FY96 implementation plan.  Submitted by Violence Against Women Implementation Planning Committee, through the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Dept. of Public Safety.  Juneau, AK:  The Council, 1995.  38p.

Stewart, Gail.  Battered women.  Photographs by Natasha Frost.  San Diego, CA:  Lucent Books, 1997.  112p.  Four women of different ages and backgrounds who are now or have recently been battered tell their own stories in their own words.

Stith, Sandra M., & Murray A. Straus, eds.  Understanding partner violence:  prevalence, causes, consequences, and solutions.  Minneapolis, MN:  National Council on Family Relations, 1995.  280p.

Straus, Martha B., ed.  Abuse and victimization across the life span.  Baltimore:  Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988.  270p.

Supernault, Esther.  A warrior's heart.  Edmonton:  Native Counselling Services of Alberta, 1995.  136p.

Swisher, Karin, ed.  Domestic violence.  San Diego, CA:  Greenhaven Press, 1996.  96p.

Taylor, Ronald B.  Preventing violence against women and children.  New York, NY:  Milbank Memorial Fund, 1997.  55p.

Torr, James D., & Karin L. Swisher, eds.  Violence against women.  San Diego, CA:  Greenhaven Press, 1999.

Tracey, Richard.  Battered wives.  London:  Bow Publications, 1974.  7p.

Viano, Emilio, ed.  Intimate violence:  interdisciplinary perspectives.  Washington:  Hemisphere Pub. Corp., 1992.  293p.

Violence against women.  Newspaper.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Periodicals Press, 1995-present.

Violence:  you can make a difference.  Ottawa, Ont.:  Canadian Association of Broadcasters, 1996. 

Walker, Gillian.  Family violence and the women's movement:  the conceptual politics of struggle.  Toronto;  Buffalo:  University of Toronto Press, 1990.  260p.

Warner, Carmen Germaine, ed.  Conflict intervention in social and domestic violence.  Bowie, MD:  R.J. Brady Co., 1981.  283p.

Warrior, Betsy.  Wifebeating.  2nd ed.  Somerville, MA:  New England Free Press, 1976.  21p.

Whitfield, Wendy.  Clout.  Written and illustrated by Ann, et al, & their children.  Manchester:  Commonword, 1982.  68p.  For abused wives.

Wolfe, David A., Christine Wekerle & Katreena Scott.  Alternatives to violence:  empowering youth to develop healthy relationships.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Publications, 1997.  182p.

Wolff, Lisa.  Violence against women.  San Diego, CA:  Lucent Books, 1999.  96p.

Yllö, Kersti, & Michele Bograd, eds.  Feminist perspectives on wife abuse.  Newbury Park, CA:  Sage Publications, 1988.  318p.